How to setup Cybershoes for Quest
For standalone: install the Cybershoes Tutorial App from Quest Applab.
Want to unlock a ton of games using Airlink? Then see here:
More questions? Please contact us at
After pairing: unplug an re-plug the receiver once.
Calibrate: look forward, point shoes forward and press the receiver button.
Game Settings (Instructions): find out how to configure your Meta Quest game.
Shoes not pairing? See here:
Health and Safety Warnings (read prior use!)
How to Walk in VR
Make the rollers turn fast in one direction.
Walking forwards: Lift your toes when putting the foot forward, this lifts the roller from the ground. Drag the foot backwards over the carpet.
Abrupt stop: place both feet on the ground.
Slider to adjust input speed.
If movement is jerky: shuffle quicker. Takes one week 🙂 then you master it.
How to Run in VR
Take a fast stride to enter run mode.
If run/walk is out of sync: pause for a fraction of a second.
For some games, you press the receiver button 3 times to improve the run/walk experience. If you’re entering run-mode too easily, reduce slider input.
Game Settings (Instructions)
Triple-Press the receiver button to improve the walk-sprint behavior. The setting is saved in the receiver until a new power on.
Ancient Dungeon
Available through Applab:
Please note: the Beta version does not work with Cybershoes.
Arizona Sunshine
Contructors (defunct; a fix in the works)
To play: Please disconnect the white receiver until the fix is ready. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Doom3Quest & QUESTzDOOM
Team Beef brings the legendary classics to the Quest. A copy of the original game is needed (costs max 5.-). Upload files to your Quest and have great fun.
DOOM 3 is a fully fledged game with 26 levels and will keep you busy for quite a while. If you’re sensitive to motion sickness, this may be a bit more demanding. Be sure to select the higher frame rate.
Install from Sidequest and follow the instructions on Doom3Quest
QuestZDoom & QuestZDoom Launcher
With DOOMzQUEST you play the classic DOOM 1 and 2 game. See here how to play:
This quick start guide will get you up and running without having to manually transfer any files to you Quest:
- Install the latest QuestZDoom version from the desktop SideQuest application
- Install the latest QuestZDoom Launcher version from the desktop SideQuest application
- Start the QuestZDoom Launcher
- Accept the Permission Dialog for both the launcher and the QuestZDoom application
At this stage everything is ready for you to start downloading mods. The below installation guide is the out recommended first play combination. Please note that Internet Access is required for first setup
We also strongly propose you check out our Recommended Game Mod Combinations
Face your Fears II
Double press the receiver button to invert FWD/BWD motion.
Grapple Tournament
Available through Applab:
This makes you jump when you take a fast stride (= same as a run is triggered in other games). You can adjust the jump sensitivity by bringing the slider up or down.
In Death: Unchained
Journey of the Gods
Set COMFORT > Movement Mode > HEAD
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Learn how to mod Castle Wolfenstein:
New Updater! Paranormal Activity
Update fixes fixes the “always turn” bug. Connect white receiver to PC (Win10, Win7), then click Run > More Information > Trust. Software is signed by Cybershoes GmbH. Read more.
Press the receiver button 4-times to adjust to the game’s walk/run behaviour. The setting is saved in the receiver until a new power on.
New Updater! Saints and Sinners - The Walking Dead
For the old Q112 receivers an Update is needed to fix the “always turn” bug. Connect white receiver to PC (Win10, Win7), then click Run > More Information > Trust. Software is signed by Cybershoes GmbH. Read more.
Take a fast stride to enter run mode. Walk slowly (or dial the slider down) if you do not want to enter run mode. In case you can’t start to run: game and Cybershoes are out of sync. Pause for a fraction of a second (or take a step BWD) and you can run again.
Song in the Smoke
Works with default settings.
Until You Fall
Settings > Gameplay > select Look Direction Movement
VR Chat
Calibrate (press receiver button) while looking 90° to your right side and pointing shoes forward.
The Wizards - Dark Times
Triple-Press the receiver button to improve the walk-sprint behavior. The setting is saved in the receiver until a new power on.
How to Pair
- Turn on Cybershoes & check that both LED’s on the receiver are blinking
- Then press for 3 seconds the receiver button to enter pairing mode.
- Wait for Cybershoes to appear (takes up to 70seconds).
- Select and accept PAIR
- Last step: Unplug and replug the receiver. This is only needed the first time.
Trouble Shooting (Pairing)
- Reboot Quest
- When in pair mode, the receiver LEDs are white. When the receiver is blinking again pairing has timed out.
- Shoes must be on and connected (video on how to connect)
- After pairing timeout, unplug and replug receiver (at least after a first failed attempt)
- close Quest pair menu and initiate pairing again
- wait for “Cybershoes” to appear
- on Quest1, please quickly reactivate pairing
- Select Cybershoes and accept PAIR
- Last step: Unplug and replug the receiver. This is only needed the first time.
Calibrate: Follow Cybershoes Mode
- Look forward, point shoes forward and press the receiver button once.
How to mount the receiver
Change the frequency for multiplayer
Use external battery pack
This is the ideal USB Type C Splitter from CableCreation 2-in-1 USB
You can also mount the receiver on your back. As long as it is attached to the headset it picks up the orientation which is needed for follow Cybershoes. And this is the link for ordering a longer cable in case needed:
Adjust height
Recommended for all games that do not have with a seated mode.
Content Creators & Developers
Recording in 16:9 without compression artifacts
1080p recording causes severe compression artifacts in movement. However, with the below settings, the recording is crisp and clear at 720p. In our opinion, the quality is better as compared to Wifi-6 streaming, especially when in motion.
Set the speed-slider to a relatively slow setting: this corresponds to a 1:1 speed making the recording look more natural.
Unity SDK (Quest)
More information and a suggestion for a seated mode:
Unreal SDK (Quest)
The Fast Method
Unreal Engine > Engine Input > Bindings
- add Gamepad Left Thumbstick to your Y-Axis and X-Axis Mappings
- add Gamepad Left Thumbstick Button (Press) to your toggle “Sprint” Action
More information including an example: